Summary is a section of Paywall Analytics that allows you to see multiple metrics in a single place.

Here you can see the summary section at the top of the page with the following metrics:
- Inits - number of paywall install script calls. This typically represents daily users if the install script loads for all users as specified in the installation instructions.
- Openings - number of unique paywall opens. If one user opens the paywall multiple times, it counts as 1. This may differ from calls due to trial actions or country targeting settings.
- Users - number of users logged into the paywall. Users typically need to log in before making a purchase, except for tokenized paywalls where the login window authorizes users for API provider requests.
- Purchases - number of unique purchases for this paywall, excluding subscription renewals.
- Login CTR - Openings / Users * 100%
- Purchase CTR - Users / Purchases * 100%
- Total Revenue - includes all new purchases and renewals.
- MRR - Monthly Recurring Revenue: sum of all active subscription amounts. Yearly subscriptions are divided by 12.
Below is a chart showing how these metrics change over time.