A paywall serves as an in-app storefront where customers can browse products and make purchases. What sets it apart is its dynamic nature, allowing you to modify it without requiring app updates.
Paywall payments states
- Stripe Test mode: These paywalls are in testing mode. Use this state while testing your paywall payments until you are ready to switch to live mode.
- Stripe Live mode: These paywalls are currently live. Use this state after successful testing.
Paywall visibility states
- Visible: Default setting. These paywalls are visible to users. You can edit this setting in real time.
- Hidden: These paywalls are not visible to users. You can edit this setting in real time.
Paywall activity states
- Active: These paywalls are in the default state when you create or edit them.
- Archived: These paywalls are no longer in use and have been archived. You can restore the paywall by contacting the support team.